KDE plasma activities
Here is a very good article explaining KDE actiivities, what are they and how to take advantage from the latest KDE desktop:
Stallman on Android
Article on the Guardian by the GNU founder
Richard Stallman, the respected founder of GNU, creator of the GPL license and free software activist, commented on the Guardian on Android and free software.
Also here an inspiring and motivational video-recorded lecture on free sotware and the the threats of digital society by Stallman.
Perl backup application
I have recently uploaded a perl application to CPAN.
Here is a short description, from the application README file
App::BackupPlan is a simple module to perform regular, selective and automated backups of your system. It requires an xml file with the specification of your backup plan, logically divided into independent tasks. The constructor also takes a log4perl configuration file, to customise the logging produced. This can be omitted if the default logging behaviour is desired. By setting up a regular back-up task using cron or similar, and by configuring a backup plan with different tasks, backup frequencies and max number of files retained, it is possible to achieve a regular and incremental backup of different part of your system, without too much trouble.
These are the relevant links on CPAN, CPANTester and CPANTS